Small Charities Policy
At Small Charities Coalition one of our central aims is to:
Provide a forum for small charities to get their voices heard within the media, the government, regulators and those that can influence the issues that affect them.
We do this by:
Representing small charities with key decisions makers and influencers, for example, MPs, government departments, Charity Commission and working with organisations across the sector.
Contributing to research and policy that will enable a better understanding of small charities and the contribution they make to society.
Seeking the views of small charities about changes that will impact on them through surveys and polls – and feeding in issues raised from our helpline and other services.
Have your say…
If you have any views, comments or queries on our current work or would like to contact us about any other policy areas, please email policy@smallcharities.org.uk
Civil Society Strategy – Small Charities Coalition Consultation Highlights
Civil Society Strategy – Small Charities Coalition Consultation Highlights
Civil Society Strategy Sector Letter – 17th May 2018